Classification of emergencies: features of character, the factor of occurrenceof social implications
emergencies, extremality, a natural disaster, danger, threat, anthropogenic, natural, social emergencies.Abstract
The range of issues that need to study for this scientific issues, research covers
diverse extreme (emergency) phenomena and processes, one of the manifestations
of which are the emergencies of various kinds.
The main purpose of this work is to investigate the basic natural and social is-
sues in emergency situations, the main causes and influencing factors, the impact
on their livelihoods. At the same time, made an analysis on the classification of
emergency situations that arise on the basis of various natural, anthropogenic and
sociogenic factors occurring in the territory of Kazakhstan.
In general, the scientific study of natural and anthropogenic disasters covers
monitoring, development of methods for forecasting Bank of emergencies, the abil-
ity to predict, evaluate and make decisions on the means of prevention, monitoring
and protection for the development of science and technology, targeted programs.
Scientific analysis of the current state of emergency takes its basis from the research
and development of theoretical and methodological foundations.
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