Professionally significant qualities are properties, positively working upon the effective implementation of activities by personality
Professionally significant qualities, individualy psychological functions, intelligence, self-control, perfectionism, behavioral structure, emotional controlling structure, cognitive structure, i - concept, self-esteem, professional self-consciousness.Abstract
The article analyzes the study of Russian and domestic researchers, who examined professionally significant qualities of future psychologists. Have considered the classifications of professional important qualities. have done the definitions of three levels of achievement of professional development. Firstly, professional self-determination of the individual, secondly, compliance requirements professionvlno significant qualities of specialty, in the third, a high level of excellence in professional development. Abstract: The article analyzes the study of Russian and domestic researchers, who examined professionally significant quality of future psychologists. considered The classifications of professional important qualities. have done The definitions of three levels of professional achievement development. Firstly, professional self-determination of individual, secondly, the compliance of professionally significant qualitiesto the requirements of specialty, in the third, an achievement of high level of excellence in professional development.
Currently are considered the ways of solving the problems of professional staff preparation. In particular, the training of psychologists, the development of their professionally significant qualities, which are the priority issues of psychological science. Preparation of psychologists depends on educational environment of a higher educational institution. In the process of development of professionally significant qualities of future psychologists, along with the mastering a specific set of knowledge and skills is also necessary to ensure a harmonious professional development. At the present time, in higher educational institutions is paid special attention to the preparation of educational-cognitive activities. The main goal of the formation of educational-cognitive activities is determined by the ability of specialists to use acquired knowledge in solving practical problems, thus increasing the level of their professional competence. To achieve this level of competence is necessary a comprehensive solution of multiple problems. Systematic mastering and developing at university of professional qualities necessary for effective implementation of activities of future specialists, as well as the improvement of these qualities, in practice, is a guarantee of effective implementation of the professional activity. Set an adequate definition of the world’s specialties, it is an important condition for its implementation.
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