Media in the formation of human capital
human capital, media, media education, category.Abstract
This article touches upon such subject as media in formation of the human capi-tal. In the substantial plan the human capital includes a stock of health, knowledge, abilities which are capitalized under certain conditions: The human capital — the main factor of formation and development of innovative economy and economy of knowl-edge, as following highest stage of development. His ability to provide itself with social space for creative, creative activity becomes a measure of the human capital, viability and resilience of society. It is well-known that education – the most important factor of formation of the person as persons. consequences of application of media can be as positive, so and negative, it is impossible to approach an assessment of this or that technology unilaterally. Planning use of electronic means in teaching and educational process, trained have to analyse those possible straight lines and indirect impacts on the personality which will define the directions of his development.
Human capital — the main factor of formation and development of innovative economy and knowledge economy as the next higher stage of development. One controversial issue is the question of human capital formation, the definition of which is an important aspect in the consideration of the whole system of recovery of human capital. Human capital formation is necessary to investigate how the process of searching, renewing and improving high quality productive characteristics of the person with whom he acts in social production. The factors that affect the formation of human capital may be combined in the following groups: socio-demographic, institutional, integration, social, mental, environmental, economic, industrial, de-mographic, socio-economic. Classification of types of human capital may arise for different reasons and in different order as presented in the literature on this issue.
In Kazakhstan, the total investment in human capital is at the level of 9% of GDP. The President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan N. A.Nazarbayev in his an-nual address emphasized the importance of formation and development of human capital, which is the main national wealth for sustainable development and joining the ranks of the world’s most competitive countries. Turning to the history you can see that the concept of human capital dates back to early times. The economic condition of our country is growing every day. And contribution of innovation in this development cannot be overemphasized. With government support, through the development of human capital is necessary to create equipment and technology to meet the modern world requirements, to publish and to apply them in practice, as is done in advanced countries. Human capital is a strategic direction of develop-ment of the state. At the present stage of innovative economic growth of the state increases the value of human capital.
A measure of human capital, viability and resilience of a society is its ability to provide a social space for constructive, creative activities.