Problems of social integration of children with disabilities in the context ofdevelopment of inclusive education


  • G. A. Kenzhakimova Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени­ aль-Фaрaби, Республика Казахстан, г. Aлмaты
  • K. K. Kurmanzhanova Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени­ aль-Фaрaби, Республика Казахстан, г. Aлмaты
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inclusive education, social integration, new methods and technologies, limited opportunities, the role of parents, the process of preschool and school age, socialization.


This article deals with the problems of social integration of children with dis-abilities, as well as experiencing some difficulties in the educational process. Today, inclusive education seeks to develop an approach to teaching and learning, which will be more flexible to meet different needs in the education and upbringing of children. The principle of inclusive education lies in the fact that mainstream schools accept children with special educational needs, regardless of their social status, physical, emotional and intellectual development and create conditions for them on the basis of psycho-pedagogical techniques, oriented to the needs of these children. Special schools for children with special needs even more separated from the child’s normal life, creating a barrier of its proper integration into society. The analysis of inclusive education, which contributes to the diversity of students’ needs, therefore, the social integration of the child into society. Social integration occurs when a continuum of services, including educational environment, will meet the require-ments and needs of the child. For integration into the culture of their peers affected by age, gender and type of violation of the child. It was found that the older children with disabilities, the more difficult integration. Type disorders has different effects on the integration of preschool and school age. International experience confirms that the investment of human capital in education, from early childhood to adult-hood, contribute substantial returns to the economy of the society. What applies to persons with disabilities to education in mainstream schools will improve and ac-celerate the process of social integration of persons contributing to their proper so-cialization. In modern conditions of inclusive education has been a priority strategy for training and education of atypical children. Therefore, inclusive education is a complex product of the impact of various factors on the person. In general, inclusive education appears the most promising direction for the successful social integration of children, expanding the academic prospects of atypical children, while allowing them a certain cognitive, communicative, social, psychological experience neces-sary for successful adaptation to the existing conditions of life and further integra-tion into society. Education as a public good characteristic for the formation of the welfare state provides its citizens equal rights to social values. Through education a person has an equal opportunity to receive social status in society, thereby social-izing, as well as reducing the risk of social exclusion of the individual from society.


How to Cite

Kenzhakimova, G. A., & Kurmanzhanova, K. K. (2016). Problems of social integration of children with disabilities in the context ofdevelopment of inclusive education. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 57(2). Retrieved from