Perinatal psycho-diagnostic study of characteristics of the motivational sphere of the personality of a pregnant woman
perinatal psychology, motivational sphere, values, instincts, psycho logical characteristics, anxiety, stressors, trimester of pregnancy.Abstract
The present study investigates the characteristics of the motivational sphere of the personality of a pregnant woman. The purpose of a scientific article is to exam ine the specificity of value orientations and instincts of pregnant expectant mothers through the use of psycho-diagnostic techniques as the author’s profile stressors of pregnancy; method of studying the valuable sphere of Ye. Fantalova; method of studying the instincts of V.I. Garbuzov (aimed at studying the severity of such instincts as freedom instinct, instinct of aggressiveness, dominant instinct, research instinct, self-preservation instinct, procreation instinct, dignity instinct and altruistic instinct; method of estimation of personal anxiety by Charles Spielberger, as well as statistical treatment of results (correlation analysis).
The study emphasizes the need to address the psychological characteristics of pregnant women, which may have a significant impact both on the specifics of carrying a pregnancy and delivery process, and in the further style of education of the child.
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