Features of aggressive behavior of orphans
дети-сироты, aгрессивное поведение, социaльные от ношения, формы aгрессии, профилaктикa.Abstract
The article presents the features of aggressive behavior of children-orphans. The specific character of the causes of aggression, as well as the methods and technologies of correction of aggression, given the nature of the reasons that led to its emergence. The results of the study of the dynamics of aggressive behavior of children orphaned in the process of socio-psychological rehabilitation. Particular attention is paid to the con tent of the relationship of social relations, and personal qualities of pupils of children’s homes. Based on the analysis of psycho-diagnostics identified features of aggressive behavior in children. Having examined the personality characteristics of children such, we are convinced that these children need professional help. Home, the ultimate goal of people who are trying to help these children, is that in the future they become self-confident, independent individuals, good specialists in their field, etc. And for this it is important that the child has chosen the «right» for himself a profession that would bring income, fun, professional and personal growth. The main causes of the manifestations of aggressiveness in children-orphans are: protection from the outside world, the desire to attract the attention of adults and peers, the desire to be chief; desire to infringe upon the dignity of the other in order to emphasize their superiority, the desire to get out from under the guardianship of the social environment, revenge. Among the psychological characteristics that provoke aggressive behavior in children, is usually distinguished: the lack of development of intelligence and communication skills as a result of social and psychological deprivation; reduced level of self-regulation. Pilot phase of the study results showed that in the process of a comprehensive prevention efforts have orphans observed positive dynamics of reducing aggressive behavior. Do pupils decreased re action develops negative feelings and negative evaluations of people and events. In a situation of social interaction, they were less likely to show negativity, opposition. Less steel to be offended, be the envy and hatred of others for real and imaginary action. It becomes less prone to suspicion. They rarely become manifest verbal and physical ag gression. After the preventive effects as a decrease in the level of conflict.
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