Indicators of psychological maturity as a determinant of readiness for professional work of the future psychologists
psychological maturity, empirical research, commitment to professional activity, future psychologist.Abstract
This article presents the results of one of stages of the experimental research on the psychological characteristics of readiness for professional activity at the future psycholo gists. This stage was dedicated to the study of the basic indicators of psychological matu rity as a determinant of readiness for professional work of the future psychologists, viewed as a level of development of the person, where it becomes the subject of his own way of life and inner world capable of self-determination, self-acceptance, self-development and self-realization.The main determinants of psychological maturity were such charac teristics of the subject: responsible autonomy, authenticity (self-acceptance), openness to new experiences (the desire is, self-development and self-improvement), development of intellectual abilities (in particular, learning ability, capacity for reflection, creativity), the ability to willed and values and the sense of self-control, activity (desire for self-re alization), social and psychological competence and humanistic orientation, which can be extrapolated to the experimental plane as a «self-determination», «self-acceptance», «self-development»,»self-realization»,»personal maturity», «intellectual maturity», «emo tional maturity», «social maturity», «subjectivity» and «self-actualization». The object of study – indicators of psychological maturity as a determinant of readiness for professional activity of future psychologists.An empirical study was conducted of the Kazakh National University, East Kazakhstan State University, University «Turan».Used – method of «Study of the level of psychological maturity of the individual», representing 80 sayings, apho risms and winged phrases. Analysis of the results showed that the majority of future psy chologists have an average level of psychological maturity (58.5%). Among students of different courses there is observed a regularity: the average level is more typical for 3rd year students, and the low level is more pronounced among the students of the 4th year. Comparative analysis of psychological maturity with indicators of readiness for profes sional activity as practicing psychologist has shown that a significant number of high pro fessional readiness indicators found in the student groups with high rates of most of the components of psychological maturity;that indicates readiness for professional work of the psychologist closely associated with psychological maturity, indicators of which can be called its determinants.
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