The psychological basics of future architects and construction workers professional formation


  • E. A. Gorovaya Институт психологии им. Г.С. Костюка
        58 66


an architect, a construction worker, the process of professional formation of architects and construction workers, professional identity of architects and builders, valuable attitude towards the profession of architects and construction workers.


On the ground of the theoretical and experimental research the structure of architects and construction workers professional formation is revealed in the scope of the creative activity as an independent phenomenological and conceptual branch, the subject of special analyses.The types of valuable attitude to the professional activity and the characteristic features of their manifestation in the future architects and construction workers, the specialists with different experience of professional activity («neutral»; «pragmatically realistic»; «valuable») are defined. The model of a specialist in the sphere of architecture and building is developed and tested. The view as for the manifestation of creativity of future architects, engineering builders and the experienced specialists in the mentioned specialties are defined. The significant differences to the attitude towards the professional activity of architects, builders are revealed and as a consequence the types of attitude are determined and it is defined that the process of professional formation of a future architect and a construction worker is primarily dynamic and that is taking place in the interaction, the whole cognitive and motivation creation that is in the system of key social construct of the subject connected with (adaptation, orientation, structuring, goals, existence). The role of professional identity crisis is highlighted as a main stimulus of professional formation process of an architect and a builder that helps the professional development of a specialist. It is proved that the dynamics of an architect and a builder professional formation is connected with activation the changes of inner and outer environment of a subject. The factors of the social environment are making definite situational influence on imagination of a subject about dynamics of his or her professional formation (age, occupation, professional experience, creative realization). The educational program of creative thinking, valuable attitude towards the profession is developed and tested.


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How to Cite

Gorovaya, E. A. (2014). The psychological basics of future architects and construction workers professional formation. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from



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