The importance of social work as a science


  • Zh. Nurbekova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • Z. Zhanazarova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        55 46


theory, pedagogical impact, administrative influence, group, identity.


In the article «The importance of social work as a science» analyzes the theories of social work. Theories identify and explore the essential, necessary connections and phenomena inherent in social processes and social development of society and the conditional nature and impact of economic, psychological, pedagogical and administrative impact on the development and behavior of social communities, groups and individuals.


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2. Григорьев С.И., Гуслякова Л.Г. Основы построения концепции и организации социальной работы в России первой половины 1990-х годов. – Барнаул – М., 1993; Социальная политика и социальная дифференциация: вопросы теории и практики социальной работы. – Барнаул, 1993. – С. 112-115.
3. Справочник по социальной работе. – М., 1997. – С. 357-360.

1. Payne М. Modern Social Work Theory: a Critical Introduction. – L, 1991.
2. Grigoriev S. I., Guslyakova L. G. Osnovy postroeniya koncepcii I organizacii social’noi raboty v Rossii pervoi poloviny 1990-h godov.-Barnaul-M., 1993 Social’naya politika I social’naya differenciaciya: voprosy teorii I praktiki social’noi rabo- ty. Barnaul, 1993.-S. 112-115.
3. Spravochnik po social’noi rabote. – M., 1997. – S. 357-360.


How to Cite

Nurbekova, Z., & Zhanazarova, Z. (2014). The importance of social work as a science. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 50(3). Retrieved from