Psychological characteristics of professional stress of public sector workers
stress, professional stress, a state employee.Abstract
The article examines the manifestations of public sector workers’ professional stress. On the basis of empirical research by means of: questionnaire to identify stress factors; I.L.Solomin’s color metaphors method; Luscher’s projective technique of color choices; Sachs- Sydney’s projective test «Incomplete proposals» we prepared the specifics, especially manifestations and factors causing the stress among senior, mid-level professionals and ordinary public institution of
one of the city’s local government offices of East-Kazkahstan Oblast. State employees are the object of study. The subject of the study is the psychological characteristics of professional stress of state employees of akimat of East Kazakhstan Oblast. The purpose of the study is to examine the features of manifestation of professional stress within state employees. We proceeded from the understanding that the basis of professional stress factors is internal organization of employee’s akimat satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the activity of akimat employees, as well as high social and professional requirements to the staff of akimat.
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