Features of a subjective picture of a course of life of the russian living in the russian federation and in republic Tajikistan


  • M. Y. Sharipova Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
        53 59


subjective picture of a course of life, socialization, structure of events, intelligence, controllability, responsibility, relation at the right time, time perception.


Numerous enough Russian diaspora at which, despite residing and passage of socialization at other culture, in east country, certain similarities and distinctions in SPCL as with SPCL representatives of indigenous population, and the ethnic group living in Russia are observed lives in Tajikistan.

We have assumed that the factor of the place of residence in the different countries can affect features SPCL, on expressiveness of its characteristics. For check of this hypothesis we had been conducted research SPCL of representatives of one nationality – Russian, born and living in Russia and in Tajikistan. 75 persons have taken part in research from 18 till 24 years. The conclusions received in him which have confirmed a hypothesis, allow to conclude that socialization conditions (the place of residence, socialization in a context different cultural) influence on SPCL, and are shown in distinction of its characteristics. It was revealed that appreciably such conditions of socialization as residing at the different states concerning various cultures, influences such characteristics SPCL as indicators of intelligence and controllability of life, and also distinction in structure of events and in perception of reality situations.


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How to Cite

Sharipova, M. Y. (2012). Features of a subjective picture of a course of life of the russian living in the russian federation and in republic Tajikistan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 42(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/340