The man of the future: psychological issues relating to integrating subjectivity with non-biological substrate.


  • V. V. Kozlov ЯрГУ им. П.Г. Демидова, Россия, г. Ярославль E
        40 44


Neoman, consciousness, language, sensations, emotions, feelings, images, symbols, signs, immortality.


The article speaks about a number of psychological and technological issues relating to the Russia 2045 social initiative. The author introduces the concept of ‘a neoman’ (a new man), which is supposed to be the result of the project; he also describes the main problems that could arise from integrating human consciousness with a non- biological substrate. Cybernetic immortality is both a scientific and technological issue, which poses multiple ethical, epistemological and existential problems.

The author believes that a system that is isomorphic to human consciousness should be viewed from the point of view of iso-functionalism, which could help in comparing similar physical, chemical, biological, neuropsychological and psychological processes in a human and a cyber system. That is, when scientists are developing a cyber system, they should observe the system-wide regularity: two isomorphic and iso-functional systems should have similar systemic characteristics.

The integrative model of psychology, which has been founded by the author of this article, views human consciousness as a complex, open, multi-component system, which is able to maintain homeostasis and rational interaction with the environment; it is also able to adapt and generate new structures and substructures in accordance with the situation and certain conditions it founds itself in.

Keeping in line with to the methodological principle of iso-functionalism, the author suggests using the concept of consciousness languages (sensations, emotions, feelings, images, symbols and signs) as an environment for modeling the neoman’s subjectivity. The article explores in detail the challenges that one faces when modeling the environment in which the subjective reality is functioning with regards to sensations, emotions, feeling, images, symbols and signal systems.


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How to Cite

Kozlov, V. V. (2013). The man of the future: psychological issues relating to integrating subjectivity with non-biological substrate. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 46(3). Retrieved from