The structural components of creativity and development in adolescence in a recreation


  • E. B. Lebedinsky Пивдэнноукраинский национального педагогического университета имени К.Д. Ушинского, Украина, г. Одесса
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creativity, structural components, creative ability, verbal creativity, visual creativity, motivation, adolescence, recreational period.


The article deals with the concept of creativity as an integrative per­ sonality traits characterizing the degree to exercise creativity, willingness and ability to self­actualization and self­development. It was revealed that the structure of creativity includes the following components: motivation (including educational and cognitive motivation, motivation, creativity and motivation for self­development) and component capabilities, includ­ ing general abilities, creativity in any activity). The features of its structural components schoolchildren teenage holidaymakers in recreational facili­ ties Ukrainian Children’s Center “Young Guard”. The technique of investi­ gation. The analysis of features of the structural components of creativity through adolescence. Viyavleno that during adolescence there is a de­ velopment of the motivational component and creative abilities (verbal and visual creativity). It is important for the development of the creative potential of the test is a high level of self­motivation and self­improvement that affects Roswitha creativity of teenagers, the mastery of new skills, new knowledge and personal growth. It is shown that recreation period as a time of rest and recovery is the most favorable for the development of cre­ ativity, self­actualization of the creative abilities of the individual students.


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How to Cite

Lebedinsky, E. B. (2015). The structural components of creativity and development in adolescence in a recreation. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from



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