Charity – as a social institution


  • D. K. Mamytkanov Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
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charity, philanthropy, charities, social pol­ icy, social inequality, social welfare, social responsibility, social groups, social security, entrepreneurship.


Charity is one of the topical issues in the world today. Today, the imple­ mentation of charitable activity is observed in various spheres of social life. Created in Kazakhstan numerous philanthropic foundations are the major sources of blagosostyaniya improvement in the social sphere. Currently, a new value is interpreted universal moral values, including compassion, their role in the humanization of interpersonal relations. Charity – a universal hu­ man value, one of the most important attributes of a civil society. Charity in the modern world is a complex and multifaceted social phe­ nomenon, which has a great influence on the social development of society. Charity is necessary in order to reduce social tension and mitigate the press­ ing social problems. Blagotvoritelnost is increasingly becoming a tool by kotorogo society to meet their basic social, obschechelovecheskie needs. That’s why now plays an important role learning the basics of philanthropy. The state, being interested in maintaining stable social relations must be seen in one of the most important charity levers in solving social problems and thus contribute to the development of charitable activity, creating a favorable political, economic, legal and institutional conditions for its devel­ opment. The most important mediator in the charity is a charitable organiza­ tion, the possibility of which are determined by its social mission and certain benefits, optimizing its participation in charitable activities. Unlike other in­ termediaries only in her exercise of charity or for the creation of appropriate conditions is the objective function and social mission. Charitable organizations provide considerable assistance to govern­ ment agencies, taking over part of the functions of the state. Hence, chari­ table organizations in the system of social assistance and protection of the population play an important role. All this helps to provide more effective assistance to people in need. Charity enables society to serve their own interests, for ex­ ample directly, without the mediation of the state. Charity obespechi­ vaet redistribution of income from the most to the least wealthy citizens imuschim shortest route and as quickly as possible. This article describes the structure and characteristics of charity as a social institution, and also analyzed the activities of charitable organiza­ tions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Mamytkanov, D. K. (2015). Charity – as a social institution. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from