Problems of adaptation and disadaptation In the process of family education and Socialization of the individual


  • M. V. Kolyaeva Южно-Казахстанский гуманитарный институт имени М. Сапарбаева, Республика Казахстан, г. Шымкент
        47 32


socialization, motive, motivation, success, identity.


This article presents the results of psychological research.Socialization, de­ spite its obvious manifestation and the need for human life, is a complex phe­ nomenon. This is reflected in the absence of ambiguity in regard to its definition. I.S. Kohn rightly points out that the process of socialization “can be seen in the context of the age stratification of society, and in the context of the intergenera­ tional transmission of culture, and in the context of identity formation. This change of emphasis and meaningful explanation of the logic, highlighting the social struc­ ture, the ratio of agents of socialization, the intrinsic activity of the entity. Second­ ly, by some authors it is seen as a process, while others consider it the result of the process. For example, some consider socialization “totality of all social and men­ tal processes by which the individual learns a system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing it to function as a full member of society”. From another point of view, socialization ­ is “the process and the result of learning and subsequent active reproduction of social experience of the individual”. Moreover, according to K. Danziger and I.S. Kon, socialization can be carried out spontaneously in a greater degree, or through targeted social impacts. But the latter is closer to the education in the broadest sense. Spontaneous and natural influence of socialism somehow affects the formation of personality. For example, the development of the individual in our society young man with a vision of “Khmer Rouge” is un­ likely. In this case, it does not diminish the role of the activity of the person. It highlighted something that has not been overlooked by others. Socialization ­ the process is not passive, and sometimes did not realize the assimilation of subjec­ tive experience. In general, the controversy over the research activity ­ passivity was provoked sociological structural­functional theory of T. Parsons. It is presented as a process of socialization of social adaptation without activity and variability of individual behavior at all stages of development.


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How to Cite

Kolyaeva, M. V. (2015). Problems of adaptation and disadaptation In the process of family education and Socialization of the individual. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from