Place and role of national music creativity in the musical-aesthetic education of pupils


  • I. V. Kovalenko Южно-Казахстанский гуманитарный институт имени М. Сапарбаева, Республика Казахстан, г. Шымкент
        71 37


culture, art, musical creativity.


This article discusses in modern conditions, the implementation of strategic goals and objectives of social and economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are increasingly strengthening its state indepen­ dence, the growth of international prestige, enhance integration into the world economy and culture, «the spiritual and moral formation of children and young people, preparing them for independent living are an essential component of our society and the State» [1]. Meanwhile, in the current circumstances the problem of national specific­ ity is an urgent problem of our time, as in a national revival, growth of national consciousness, the renaissance of the Kazakh people no audio aspects of so­ cial life, which would have no impact national relations, that is, politics, cul­ ture, art, education, training and others. The culture of each nation, reflecting its socio­historical way, contains many of the features that have been formed and evolved over many centuries. Against the background of the actualization process of revival and development of national culture one of its strategic objectives is «the formation of a new generation of people with perfect ideo­ logical and creative way of thinking» [3]. Folk art, in particular, the national musical art, which is the result of figurative and emotional reflection of the national ideology, national artistic traditions of the historical life of the people is the most important means of spiritual development of the younger genera­ tion, formation of outlook, artistic­aesthetic culture of students. Kazakh folk music can and should have thorough, consistent and co­ ordinated use at lessons of music, literature, extracurricular activities on the national music and aesthetics in the club and of circle work through innovative forms and methods of musical and aesthetic education. It was found, that the art of music has great power of action on human, especially on children. It is proved that without special education cannot talk about the understanding of art and its educational value.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, I. V. (2015). Place and role of national music creativity in the musical-aesthetic education of pupils. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from