Strategy of cooperation higher education institutions with employers
model, integration, cooperation, interaction, higher education institution, employer, modernization, graduates, corporate model, designing of reality, science, production.Abstract
The analysis of world tendencies shows that the education system and sciences becomes a powerful factor of progressive development of society. Science and education provide development and introduction in economy of high technologies, national security and independence of the state; form social need for selftraining in society, bring the country to the high level of cultural and moral development; create a civil and patriotic basis for forma tion of the state identity. The way of industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan demands effective model of management of education and sciences. The Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev noted thatthe main criterion forthe quality of trainingat the momentto become competitive graduatesin the labor market. It is connected with entry of the Kazakhstan system into world educational space. Relevance of interaction of higher education institutions increases in these conditions with employers, and also a choice of effective model of cooperation, societies corresponding to interests persons. The article reveals problems and prospects of interaction of the state and private structures in education, among which are the main problems that impede the effective development of cooperation higher education institutions with em ployers. The effectiveness of the development partnerships greatly expands of the possibilities of educational institutions in the training of the specialists of higher level, and employers opens up the possibility personnel renovation of production in accordance with the needs innovative development of the economy, in connection with what the article it is shown that the development of a cooperation higher education institutions with employers has in Kazakhstan the big prospects.References
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1. Aralbaeva R.K. The processes of modernization of higher education as a social institution in Kazakhstan. Aftoreferat thesis.
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2. Neborsky E.V. Models of integration of education, science and business at universities in the United States, Europe and Japan // Problems of modern education. 2011. – №1. – 48-59 p.
3. N. Nazarbayev Innovative industry of science and knowledge – a strategic resource of Kazakhstan in the XXI century. [WWW-document] URL. Electronic resource.
4. Memorandum on the tiered study structure (bachelor / master) (2003). Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA). September, 2003.
6. Abdikerova G.O., Duysenova S.M., Omarova A.T.Employers and graduates in the Kazakhstan labor market: problems and expectations. – Almaty, Kazakh University, 2015. – 75 p.
How to Cite
Omarova А. T., & Аbdіkerova G. O. (2015). Strategy of cooperation higher education institutions with employers. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from