The influence of society on the occurrence of neurotic personalities and the establishment of a «Healthy society»
healthy society, neurosis.Abstract
This article discusses the works of innovators in the field of psycho analysis Erich Fromm’s «Healthy society» and Karen Horney «Our internal conflicts. The constructive theory of neurosis», which describe their views on the impact of society on the development and mental health of the in dividual. Fromm concluded that a society, which is surrounded by people directly (through politics, economics, etc.) and indirectly (through advertis ing, fashion trends, etc.) affects the development of his behavior, mental health. The works of Erich Fromm affected the Karen Horney’s study of the question of the nature of the origin of neurosis. Horney on her personal experience made sure that neurosis are different in many countries, thus confirming the view about the impact of society on human. Fromm argued that society can be «unhealthy.» One of the main problems of human at the present time is alienation. People live by inertia. He is not free really. The choice that he makes, unconsciously, achieved under the influence of society. The rapidly changing conditions of life demand a very strong influ ence on mental health. As a result, the person has a neurosis. Neurotic no longer controls his choice, he can not even do it.References
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How to Cite
Dzhaambaeva, B. A., & Ibragimova, S. A. (2015). The influence of society on the occurrence of neurotic personalities and the establishment of a «Healthy society». The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from