Psychological bases of divorces of young families.


  • K. U. Shaizhanova Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті
  • A. J. Bayderbesova Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті
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family, couple formation, one-ment, crisis, relationships, family factor, heritage, ethnic relations, education, divorce.


In our country youth don’t hasten to create a family, or they marry, making hasty decision. In general, numbers of divorces, growing quantity of orphanages and abandoned children lead to losing of parents’ reputation. We think that all of it is a factor of unsystematized preparation to adult life. Nowadays family structure has changed numbers of family members and children have also shortened. Social, cultural and economic innovations, different kinds of information interchange affected on relationship between family members. Attraction to family life and interrelations of generation were scientific examined in philosophical, psychological and pedagogic directions. If we look at family from psychological point of view, specification of its func-tions and mutual relation learning were examined in many researches. It’s impossible to show all factors which influence on family happiness and calm, therefore if couple has individual and life principles it is possible to prove that there is an opportunity to stand against exposure.


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How to Cite

Shaizhanova, K. U., & Bayderbesova, A. J. (2015). Psychological bases of divorces of young families. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from