Social and technological aspects of behavioral gender stereotypes modeling


  • Z. V. Senuk Институт физической культуры, спорта и молодежной политики, Уральский Федерация университет, Россия, Екатеринбург
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social technology, gender stereotypes, suggestion, public consciousness, iterary text.


The article deals with social technology of gender stereotypes model-ing and suggestion into the public consciousness by means of literary text creation. The author carries out a content analysis of the most popular Strugatsky brothers novel to identify ways of creating and suggestion a sustainable patriarchal consciousness gender stereotypes. Calculation of male and female novel roles quantitative ratio was carried out. Qualitative analysis of methods of stereotypes transplantation into the context of the novels by means of psychological, lexical and expressive techniques was also carried out. Sexist paradigm of authorial mindset extrapolated in fic-tion is demonstrated. Implicit mass consciousness influence method of sexist mindsets insertion into social practices is demonstrated. The article concludes that the quantitative predominance of the male over the female roles in several times greater than that allowed in the daily practice of social space, which is confirmed by quantification of existing characters.


1 Стругацкий А., Стругацкий Б. Трудно быть богом: Роман. – М.: Изд-во Эксмо, 1997. – 431 с.
2 Стругацкий А., Стругацкий Б. Пикник на обочине: Повесть. Град обреченный: Роман. – М.: Изд-во Эксмо, 1997. – 495 с.

1 Strugatskij A., Strugatskij B. It is difficult to be god: novel. – M.: Publishing house, Eksmo, 1997. – 431 p.
2 Strugatskij A., Strugatskij B. Picnic on a roadside: story. Hail fateful: novel. – M.: Publishing house, Eksmo, 1997. – 495 p.
ISSN 1563-0307 KazNU BulletinPsychology. and sociology series. №1 (52) 2015 407


How to Cite

Senuk, Z. V. (2015). Social and technological aspects of behavioral gender stereotypes modeling. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from



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