Comparative analysis of conflict behavior in young family


  • R. Sabirova Карагандинский государственный университет имени академика Е.А. Букетова,
        36 26


conflict, behavior strategy, the cause of conflict, method of K. Thomas, method of «incomplete sentences», color test relations, method of associations, T­test.


This scientific article is devoted to the study of the relationship to a conflict situation, causes and strategies of conflict behavior. The aim of the study is to examine these issues through the use of techniques such as the methods of Psy­ chodiagnostics as method of K. Thomas, allowing to identify personal predisposi­ tion to conflict and conflict resolution style; technique of “incomplete sentences” of Sachs­Levy; Color Test of M. Etkind, aimed at determining the unconscious attitude to the conflict, as well as statistical and mathematical methods, which allows to determine the significance of the differences found. The study is based on the need to study the psychological aspects of conflict in young couples. The relevance of the topic is chosen due to the current trend of transformation of tra­ ditional family values, in particular, the widespread practice of married couples divorce, the term marriage of less than two years. This situation is determined by dissatisfaction with family relationships due to the emergence of conflicts, the strategy of behavior in the framework of which do not seem sufficiently studied in domestic social realities. The gender paradigm of the research involves the study of the positions on the conflict of men and women, determination of the characteristics of gender relations to the conflict, an understanding of its causes and behavioral occupied areas. The findings suggest the presence of persistent differences between the points of view regarding the marital conflict in young families. The data allowed to draw certain conclusions. First, there are significant differences with regard to conflict situations in both men and women in the be­ havior strategies used in conflict: there is a difference in the advantage of the most used strategy in a conflict situation, women have such a strategy is a compromise, suggesting a passive behavior in order to achieve peace and men ­ the strategy of competition based on the active defense of its own interests. Secondly, there are differences in the level of satisfaction with marriage in groups of subjects men and women in the group of female subjects was found lower marriage satisfaction score than those in the male subjects.


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How to Cite

Sabirova, R. (2015). Comparative analysis of conflict behavior in young family. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from