Methodological approaches to the Study of Sociocultural Reality in the Mirror of Kazakhstani Cinema


  • Б. Н. Кылышбaевa al-Farabi National University
  • О. М. Борецкий al-Farabi National University

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The article discusses the methodological foundations of the study of cinema in the context of the transformation of the cultural and historical environment, while highlighting the hermeneutical commentary on the most important facts of the development of Kazakhstani cinema. Various aspects of the study of the phenomenon of cinema as a new way of mastering social reality are problematic fields of scientific search for numerous areas of humanitarian knowledge. The sociocultural spectrum of cinema research issues raises the problem of the relationship between cinema development and historical and cultural changes taking place in society, taking into account the influence of changing socio-historical formations on the formation of social characteristics and cinema perception. During the last century, there was a transition from the classical enlightenment culture to the dominance of compensatory-entertainment functions, the carrier of which was the mass culture to which cinema belongs. The analysis of cinema must necessarily be simultaneously an analysis of society, since an excessive concentration on the form and aesthetics of cinema leads to a separation from the social context and, as a result, to one-sidedness and distortion of social reality. In the context of globalization, Kazakhstan's society is undergoing a transformation of values, and existing models of social behavior are being revised. The formation of the post-information space, which provoked the situation of the so-called "zero" degree of culture, formed a new system of perception of sociocultural reality. Modern audiovisual culture acquires a defining status in the aspect of the formation of a socially valid personality. Consideration of cinema from a sociological point of view allows us to raise new questions about the role of Kazakhstani cinema as a two-way communication, allowing to identify and describe not only the artistic features of the development of cinema, but also the sociocommunicative aspects of its influence on society.

Keywords: Modernization of public consciousness, positive mythology, mass culture, collective unconscious, archetypes, national idea, cultural codes, cinema


Author Biographies

Б. Н. Кылышбaевa, al-Farabi National University

Doctor of sociological science of the Department of Sociology and social work

О. М. Борецкий, al-Farabi National University

candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy




How to Cite

Кылышбaевa Б. Н., & Борецкий, О. М. (2019). Methodological approaches to the Study of Sociocultural Reality in the Mirror of Kazakhstani Cinema. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 69(2), 143–151.