Research of procrastination in connection with students’ personal characteristics (on the example of Kazakhstan)


  • I. K. Kairatova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • S. K. Kudaibergenova al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The student's age is the important period in human life during which he/she decides on the professional choice, finds feelings of maturity and identity, plans the future. Educational and professional achievements which strengthen self-confidence and the ability to productive activity are significant, and at the same time put base for successful self-realization in the future. However procrastination at which the person postpones until the moment of "deadline" the most important and modern issues and tasks and also decision-making can become an obstacle for such achievements. Negative consequences are expressed not only in depression of success and efficiency of the person and an obstacle of her development, both in educational, and in professional medium, but also in acute emotional experiences of own failure, sense of guilt, dissatisfaction with results of the activity. The problem of procrastination is investigated in domestic science quite recently, and there are practically no unambiguously established reasons causing predilection "to put away for later". In this regard there are questions that influences developing of procrastination at students whether personal characteristics of students are bound to it. This research is referred on finding answers to the matters.

Objective of research was a theoretical and empirical research of features of procrastination at students with various personal characteristics. We had a hypotheses that there is an interrelation between procrastination level at students and their personal characteristics. We used 4 methods to reveal connection between procrastination and personal characteristics: “General scale of procrastination (GPS)”; “Procrastination assessment scale for students (PASS)”; “Test Big five”; “Scale of the Academic Motivation (SAM)”.

As a result of the carried-out work the positive correlation between the level of procrastination and eksternalny motivation was revealed. The same communication was revealed between procrastination and an amotivation. Also we learned that at extroverts уровенб is higher than procrastination, and those students who will organize the activity have no tendency to procrastination. Results of this research can be used in activity of teachers and psychologists for work with procrastination at students.

Keywords: procrastination, motivation, extraversion, introversion

Авторлардың биографисы

I. K. Kairatova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Lecturer of the department of general and applied psychology

S. K. Kudaibergenova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Candidate of psychological science, associated professor of the department of general and applied psychology


Как цитировать

Kairatova, I. K., & Kudaibergenova, S. K. (2019). Research of procrastination in connection with students’ personal characteristics (on the example of Kazakhstan). ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 69(2), 44–52.