Жастардың білімдік және кәсіби стратегияларына отбасының экономикалық капиталының ықпалы


  • М. К. Шнaрбековa Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        45 23


The study of practices in the field of higher education, in particular the educational and professional strategies of young people is becoming an actual topic of sociological research at the international level. This is due, on the one hand, to the policy of expanding the opportunities for higher education in many countries, on the other hand, to development of technology and formation of new specialties. In the last decade, there are many changes in our country too: stratification in higher education has intensified, the differentiation of social groups has changed, the “disturbing” disconnectedness of educational strategies and preferences of young people with the needs of the labor market has traced, a general desire for higher education has formed in the youth environment, the role family resources, including the economic component has strengthened. In the article the relationship between education and youth practices is analyzed both at the “macro” level and at the “micro” level. In macro-level the impact of social stratification on youth practices in higher education is studied, while at the micro-level the impact of social background on the educational and professional strategies of young people is analyzed. The experience of studying educational practices of youth taking into account economical capital of family.

Key words: professional strategies of youth, educational strategies, economic capital, socioeconomic status of families.




How to Cite

Шнaрбековa М. К. (2019). Жастардың білімдік және кәсіби стратегияларына отбасының экономикалық капиталының ықпалы. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 67(4), 90–97. Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/880