Проявление тревожности у студентов с особыми образовательными потребностями в процессе обучения


  • Б. Ж. Альмухамбетова Жетысуйский госудaрственный университет им. И. Жaнсугуровa
  • Н. К. Токсанбаева Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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At the modern stage of development of the system of higher education in our country, the process of integrated education of young people with special educational needs is of particular relevance, recognized as humane by the whole world community. After graduating an educational institution, the current student should have both high professional training and a set of personal qualities: activity, independence, confidence, the ability to quickly and successfully adapt to the new conditions. The most important condition for the formation of these qualities in a student with special educational needs is the presence of a state of emotional comfort, a sense of cheerfulness not accompanied by a manifestation of anxiety. In the framework of our research, we make a comparative analysis of the scientific work of Kazakhstan and foreign experience studying the manifestations of anxiety among students with special educational needs in the learning process. An empirical study was organized to study this issue, in which 25 students participated with special educational needs of our university. During the diagnostic study of anxiety among students with special educational needs in the learning process, the following methods of psychological research were used: analysis of literary sources, psychodiagnostic methods and other methods of generalization of scientific material and practical experience. The levels, the nature of anxiety and recommendations aimed at the formation of an adequate level of anxiety and strengthen the emotional well-being of students with special educational needs. The results obtained in the course of the study led to the conclusion that the manifestation of anxiety in students with special educational needs in the learning process involves a range of factors (age, socio-psychological, physiological obstacles), causing behavioral reactions frustrating character. And that is why, due to the mismatch of opportunities and priorities, there is an increase in the normative level of anxiety. Psychoprophylaxis to overcome anxiety in students with special educational needs should be personally oriented and focus on those personal characteristics and factors of society that are possible causes of anxiety. The practical significance of the study is that the results can be used by the subjects of the educational space in the learning process.

Key words: anxiety, psychological characteristics of students with special educational needs, the learning process.




How to Cite

Альмухамбетова, Б. Ж., & Токсанбаева, Н. К. (2019). Проявление тревожности у студентов с особыми образовательными потребностями в процессе обучения. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 67(4), 11–21. Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/873