Gender features of personal characteristics of students-leaders


  • Арна Жантаевна Аплашова
  • Ольга Анатольевна Колюх
  • Майра Победовна Кабакова
  • А. С. Жолдабаева
        124 73


In the present article, the authors present the results of a psychological study on gender-specific personal characteristics of the student leaders. We have studied and analyzed the personality characteristics of students, as well as features of traits peculiar to the leaders. The sample research was made with full-time students of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute aged 17 to 25 years (N = 60). Current research in the field of gender leadership psychology show that differences in the manifestations of leadership qualities of men and women exist. But these differences cannot interfere with the execution of the woman’s leadership role. The results of our studies have shown that women are more emotional, their mood is more subordinate to physiological processes and therefore they are not as good as boys are able to govern themselves; creativity significantly is higher in the group of young men, and spiritual potential is higher in women, and this applies both to describe the self-image and the image of the ideal man in general; young men are more independent in their self-assessments by the opinions of others; boys have higher rates than women in leadership self-assessment. These figures indicate that the self-esteem of girls – is a reflection of the relationship of personality to the person, whereas boys have higher self-esteem and more confident. Boys have higher results on all scales in identifying learning resources. In general, boys have greater leadership skills than girls, and this means that they are more assertive, able to intelligently take risks, are capable of overcoming obstacles to the goal. By the procedures of “Self-Leadership” and the questionnaire “Identification of training resources,” the results of research among boys showed better results. According to the procedure, “Man, ripping off an apple from the tree” higher results showed girls. In the study, the calculation of correlations, we used the criterion r – Spearman. The calculation results showed positive correlation between investigated criteria. The interaction of these factors is statistically significant (p < 0.05).

Key words: gender, a leader, a gender peculiarities, leaders-students, personality characteristics.


Как цитировать

Аплашова, А. Ж., Колюх, О. А., Кабакова, М. П., & Жолдабаева, А. С. (2017). Gender features of personal characteristics of students-leaders. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 60(1). вилучено із