An examination of values and social beliefs of kazakhstani youth


  • L. S. Kassymova Faculty of philosophy and political sciences, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • O. H. Aimaganbetova Faculty of philosophy and political sciences, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • M. K. Yermekbaeva Faculty of philosophy and political sciences, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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Кілттік сөздер:

individual values, social beliefs, personality, social axioms, Portrait Value Questionnaire, measurement, Kazakhstani youth.


This article presents a study of individual values and social beliefs of Kazakhstan youth. Among the variety of problems related to psychology, the phenomenon of values is the most controversial and ambiguous for the study. Today, in the existing literature devoted to this issue, the concept of value, its definition and content are well developed, and understanding of the values is presented in a variety of different alternative approaches and concepts. Lack of unity to explain the nature of values, as well as the lack of justification and argumentation of existing concepts in understanding the values has determined the relevance of the study on values issues. Theoretical analysis of the literature shows that there is a shortage of studies that investigate the personality value-semantic sphere existing on the post-Soviet territory. Changes in socio- economic terms that have occurred over the past few decades have affected the system of values of the younger generation. Value priorities of individuals are central goals that relate to all aspects of their behavior. On the other hand, the values are swayed by everyday experience in the context of ecological and socio – political changes. Therefore, values are a good indicator for monitoring processes of social and individual changes resulting from historical, social and personal happenings. In addition, they can be the basis for studying the differences between the social cultures and subcultures that appear as social communities develop in certain areas as a result of their unique experience. On this basis the given research is reasonable and relevant in the indicated field of psychology. The article presents a theoretical overview of domestic and foreign researchers who have studied the cross- cultural aspects of social value orientations and beliefs. It also describes the significant theory that studies the problem of values and social beliefs. Measurement tools that were used in this study possess a sufficiently developed theoretical basis and are effective for the study of values and social beliefs of both groups and individuals. It is worth noting that the methodologies and questionnaires that are used for data collection are used in scientific work for the first time in Kazakhstan: the Schwartz’ questionnaire consisting of 19 basic values of the person, as well as a questionnaire and social axioms by Bond M. and Leung K. The paper describes the reliability and validity of measurement methods, translated and adapted on Russian and Kazakh languages. The comparative analysis of the results shows specifics of values and social beliefs of Kazakhstan students in relation to the values of Russian students.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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Как цитировать

Kassymova, L. S., Aimaganbetova, O. H., & Yermekbaeva, M. K. (2016). An examination of values and social beliefs of kazakhstani youth. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 49(2). вилучено із