Interrelation of personal features and career orientations of young workers of the industrial enterprise


  • Iu. E. Ianovskaуа Факультет психологии, Харьковский национальный университет, Украина, Харьков


life style, adaptation test, , reliability, validity, consistency.


The results of adaptation techniques Ch.Morris «Ways of Life» for Ukrainian ethnic reality. This questionnaire is designed to fit the basic meaning of which unfolds the whole set of cultural canvas relationship between man and nature, social environment, metaphysical dimension. The adaptation of the questionnaire was conducted with a standard algo-rithm adaptation of foreign psychodiagnostic methods: the translation of the English version of the methodology on the Ukrainian language, tested retestovoyi reliability, reliability parallel forms konstruktnoyi validity, inter-nal consistency.


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How to Cite

Ianovskaуа I. E. (2015). Interrelation of personal features and career orientations of young workers of the industrial enterprise. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from



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