Practices of middle class households in the education market


  • M. K. Shnarbekova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
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education, career choices, cultural capital, middle class, human capital and professional strategies.


In a study of the graduate professional choice special importance is the study of policies and practices of the households in the education market. As the result of many sociological researches when choosing a specialty, young people noted a strong influence of parents and relatives. According to a youth survey conducted by the authors in 2014, 87.6% of students in the educational and professional choices were guided by the advice of their parents and relatives. Many of the graduates interviewed during the research also pointed out the dominant role of households (2015). Data of previous youth researches conducted among 1,500 students of 12 uni­ versities of Kazakhstan, showed that one in four respondents believe that their choice of a profession is largely influenced by external factors such as parents’ advice and examples of relatives [1, p. 73]. Modern Kazakhstan labor market is characterized by imbalance of sup­ ply and demand of personnel in various professional fields. Experts of Head­ Hunter Kazakhstan analyzed jobs and resume in the first quarter of 2015 on and noted that there is greatest competition in professional fields, such as top management (6.4 candidates per place), law and accounting (for 6.6) extraction of raw materials (9.2), non­profit organizations (13). Number of CVs in these professional areas is much higher than the number of vacancies available. Does this mean that the policies and practices of households choos­ ing specialty have «alarming» disconnectedness with the needs of the labor market. By what objective and subjective motives parents are guided in the selection process of the educational and professional trajectories? In this article we will try to identify and analyze ways in which middle­ class households maintain and improve their social benefits through the le­ vers of education. Based on an extensive series of interviews with parents and children, will try to understand and explain the key points of decision making by households in choosing education and a degree. In spite of the multiple number of studies, the middle class is «sociological mystery» and, accordingly, the survey encountered difficulties in determining the mem­ bers of this social group. We present new ways of thinking about the model of the relationship of middle class households, education and profession.


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How to Cite

Shnarbekova, M. K. (2015). Practices of middle class households in the education market. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from