The phenomenon of tolerance/intolerance as a reflection of radicalist trends in the conditions of Kazakhstan society


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Some manifestations of radicalistic sentiments in Kazakhstan have developed in recent years due to the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the population, which has led to social and economic insecurity, an increase in unemployment. Corruption, which has engulfed all echelons of the Kazakhstani government, increasing awareness of social injustice in society, has also caused the loss of former ideals, the devaluation of values. And, if in many countries of the post-Soviet space radicalism has taken the forms of various extremist groups, in Kazakhstan it has long been latent and unexpressed. However, the events of recent days have shown that radicalism also takes place in Kazakhstan; from peaceful rallies, where economic issues were raised, first of all, it turned into mass manifestations of disobedience to the authorities, terrorist attacks, and violence against law enforcement officials. In this regard, the problem of studying tolerance/intolerance as a reflection of radicalistic tendencies in the conditions of Kazakh society has been actualized.

The object of the study is Kazakhstani student youth. The subject of the study is the features of the manifestation of tolerance/intolerance of a person as an expression of a predisposition to radical-istic sentiments. The purpose of the study is to conduct an empirical study of the characteristics of the manifestation of tolerance/intolerance of a person as an expression of a predisposition to radicalistic sentiments. To achieve the goal, a methodological toolkit was compiled, including 3 methods. Test-ing was conducted using the Google Forms platform. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, it was concluded that a socio-psychological phenomenon – tolerance/intolerance, which is a reflection of radicalistic tendencies, is determined by gender differences, in-group favoritism, moods, mentality, worldview, youth values.

Key words: tolerance/intolerance, radicalism, radicalistic tendencies, Kazakhstani student youth, susceptibility.


How to Cite

Aimaganbetova, O. K., Lashkova, E., Adilova, E. T., Sadvakassova, Z. M., & Sadykova, N. M. (2022). The phenomenon of tolerance/intolerance as a reflection of radicalist trends in the conditions of Kazakhstan society. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 82(3), 13–27.