Interrelation of a motivational profile orientation and role features of sellers.


  • Z. Madalieva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • E. Kudrjavceva Академия Кайнар, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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motivational profile, non­monetary motivation, role features of professiogramm.


Results of studying of interrelation between an orientation of a mo­ tivational profile and role features of sellers are presented in this article. The research allowed to check a hypothesis of existence of interrelation between an orientation of a motivational profile and role features of sellers. It was revealed that process of satisfaction by workers of the requirements and expectations in the work chosen by them, is carried out as a result of realization of their purposes coordinated with the purposes and tasks of the company. The recognition gain from other people is leading, i.e. in people around appreciated merits, achievements and various means: from oral gratitude to material encouragement that says about the prevailing factor of non monetary motivation of the trade personnel. The received arithmetic­mean indicators of sellers role features in a section of Belbin test results correspond to a standard professiogramm of the seller, offtakers and diplomats on the role qualities correspond to this professional identity. The seller with the prevailing role of the diplomat, is adjusted on coopera­ tion, a susceptibility, diplomacy and prevention of friction, has a high need for closer contacts with others for establishment of rules and directives of work performance and for a comfortable surrounding situation. As the conclusions drawn by results of research, authors state about need of “ac­ tions” system for introduction of not monetary motivation. The main effect reached by means of similar stimulation is an increase of loyality level and interest of employees in the company.


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How to Cite

Madalieva, Z., & Kudrjavceva, E. (2015). Interrelation of a motivational profile orientation and role features of sellers. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from