Rhizomatic and clip thinking of school children: self-regulation and synergy approach



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Clip thinking has become a distinctive characteristic of the modern generation of schoolchildren and students. The peculiarity of clip thinking is associated with the simplified perception of informa- tion, haste to conclusions, lability and stereotyped thinking. In contrast, scientists discuss the ideas of rhizomatic thinking in modern post-non-classical science. The image of a “rhizome” is associated with a multiplicity of branching paths of thinking, a bundle and a network without center, and spreading in an open environment. The article analyzes the features of clip and rhizomatic thinking, their unity and differences. It has been suggested that rhizomatic thinking can be associated with a synergetic approach and considered on the basis of psychosynergetics. Another assumption of the authors: the transformation of clip thinking into rhizomatic thinking is possible due to mastering the skills of self-management of cognitive activity, self-reflection, and heutagogy. In the practical part of the study, a sociological survey of schoolchildren in Kazakhstan was conducted about the digital generation and clip thinking. It was found that 77% of schoolchildren distinguish clip thinking in contrast to the thinking of other generations of society. The article contains the most vivid and characteristic answers of schoolchildren – what is the digital generation and what is the difference between clip thinking and other types of thinking.

Key words: rhizomatic thinking, clip thinking, psychosynergetics, self-regulation.




How to Cite

Mynbayeva, A., Moldassan, K., Karabutova, A., & Abirov, M. (2021). Rhizomatic and clip thinking of school children: self-regulation and synergy approach. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 79(4), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.26577/JPsS.2021.v79.i4.03