Educational computer games as a tool for qualitative transformation of personality at the level of psychological, pedagogical and social needs


  • М. B. Yelikbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Z. M. Sadvakassova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

        95 74


The article shows that thanks to computer games, the world has irrevocably “split” into two parts-re-al, existing in reality and virtual, existing in the form of an electronic model of objects and processes. The aim of the work is to analyze the possibilities of using computer games in the educational process, con-tributing to the development of personal qualities of adolescents. An analytical review of the scientific literature has shown that in order to achieve mastery in any field of activity, it is necessary to take part in that activity in the amount of at least 10,000 hours (time required for students in school from 5th to 12th grade). The average gamer at the age of 21 spends the same amount of time in multiplayer online games. It is noted that computer games, despite their socio-cultural institutionalization, still do not have scien-tific and psychological development. The survey method used in the current study showed the interest of adolescents (73,2 %) and teachers (40 %) in the use of computer games in the classroom. Mathemati-cal planning of pedagogical experiment allowed to find empirical dependence describing influence of investigated factors on final result, in our case on feature of development of personal (on self-assessment of teenagers towards educational game achievements) and communicative qualities (communicative and organizational abilities) of students. The analysis of the generalized equation showed that the program of synthesizing virtual learning with traditional teaching methods has a positive effect on the development of personal and communicative qualities of adolescents, since the level of changed personal qualities in the process of forming research and on the basis of the method of mathematical optimization of the pedagogical process amounted to 9.4 %.

Key words: computer games, educational games, self-esteem, personality, educational process, learning process


Как цитировать

Yelikbayeva М. B., & Sadvakassova, Z. M. (2020). Educational computer games as a tool for qualitative transformation of personality at the level of psychological, pedagogical and social needs. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 72(1), 94–102.