The sociological analysis of Turkic communities of Central Asia in days of independence.


  • A. Suleymanov Uskudar University
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globalization, Turkic world, Turkic societies.


In the beginning of 1990s, globalization was not beyond a mere phenomenon. Today, it turned out to be a reality of the 21st century world system. Not only states, state mechanisms and international political institutions but also economic networks, companies, factories, enjoyments, perceptions, and different multicultural human identities are becoming parts of a global network. The monopolized world is getting fragmented within the multifaceted globalization; while differences get globalized dimension, they also dissolve in more globalized values. This article underscores the aforementioned dimensions, discusses values of globalization (e.g. information, individual, democracy, human rights, free market economy, rule of law) and explores their impacts on the Turkic world and Turkic societies in days of independence.


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How to Cite

Suleymanov, A. (2012). The sociological analysis of Turkic communities of Central Asia in days of independence. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 43(4). Retrieved from