Socio-economic features of modern families.


  • K. A. Abenova Т. Рысқұлов атындағы ҚазЭУ, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.


household income, household, the restoration of family values, population size, preparation of youth for family life.


This article discusses the socio-economic condition of the average modern  Kazakh  families  (wealth).  This  article discusses the socio-economic condition of the average modern Kazakh families (wealth). Provides statistical information, such as the main indicators of the socio-economic situation of families, household income level and refine the basic problems of the family. Produced evidence-based recommendations and practical guidance (policy) for the development of research in the various socio-demographic and socio-economic families sample. The following are the most important results:

–   provide statistical information that describes a significant decline in economic performance of large families, single mothers, families with children, disabled persons, students, unemployed families with the transition to a market economy;

–   a comparative analysis of low incomes, areas of health and education (pre-school) to paid services, income instability, unemployment, especially unemployment among young people is increasing.


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