Theoretical foundations of the study of violence in society


  • Д. Зүлкәпіл Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Л.Т. Нуркатова Department of social and economic research
  • А.М. Султанова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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One of the most urgent problems of modern society is the problem of domestic violence. At present, the problem of domestic violence is becoming more and more urgent not only in the social sphere, but also in society as a whole.According to sociologists, health care, criminology, law, press, organizations, in large part the family of Kazakhstan violence becomes everyday, familiar, passed down from generation to generation. The article deals with the problems of violence, articles and reviews, concepts, views and thoughts, theories of many foreign and domestic scientists. In the course of writing the article was con- sidered foreign and scientific works, including: - the nature and content of the concept of violence, was a stop on the theory Kurochkina L. Frome E., Freud, Baron, R. And Richardson D. the theory of T. Hobbes Gumplowicz, M. Kaufman, K. Kautsky, E. Deruga was passionate about historical factors in the study of violence.Based on the works Of K. Lorenz, L. Berkowitz, A. bass, V. Kreich, violence is considered as a process with a certain duration, duration, and violence was considered as an exceptional form of aggression. Lenore Walker’s three-Phase theory uses the concept of the stages of the cycle of violence. Special attention is paid to the works by S. Pinker, R. W. Vernon, M. E. brown, Anne Burgess and Linda Holmstrom, T. Zabelina, I. D. Gorshkova, I. I., Shulgina, L. Berkowitz, D. P. Pavlenko, L. Y. Kurochkina, F., Legchenko scientists, etc. These authors, studying the types, causes and consequences of violence drew attention to the fact that violence is a violation of the rights of others, wearing a forced and illegal.


Как цитировать

Зүлкәпіл, Д., Нуркатова, Л., & Султанова, А. (2019). Theoretical foundations of the study of violence in society. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 68(1), 211–219.