Sociological analysis of the financial pyramid in Kazakhstan: signs and consequences


  • Ш. Толенди Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Г.С. Абдирaйымовa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The article presents a theoretical and practical analysis of the structure of investments, on the example of a financial pyramid as a widespread phenomenon in  the  economy of  Kazakhstan, as well as the signs and consequences associated with its creation. It also analyzes the causes and consequences of human offenses, with a clear indication of the signs of financial posts. The article examines the problem of financial pyramids as one of the areas of shadow economic activity. The main regularities and institutional innovations in the field of “financial pyramid construction” are considered. The possibility of  forming an  altered state of  consciousness for  potential participants  of financial pyramids used for criminal purposes is argued. Based on the study of sociological and economic literature on this topic, an assessment tool has been developed in the form of an electronic questionnaire of the online survey service “SurveyMonkey” for determining public opinion about the financial pyramid. The study determined the level of financial literacy of people and identified its individual categories, the most susceptible to fraudulent schemes of financial pyramids. The study applied methods of statistical analysis, developed on the basis of the analysis of quantitative and categorical indicators. In general, the level of transparency of keywords used and associated with “financial pyramids” is empirically determined and the organizational structure of the most common operating financial schemes is shown.


Как цитировать

Толенди, Ш., & Абдирaйымовa Г. (2019). Sociological analysis of the financial pyramid in Kazakhstan: signs and consequences. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 68(1), 134–143.