On the Question of the Development of Kazakhstans Model of Vocational Training of Teachers on the Basis of Dual-Based Learning


  • Н.Б. Жиенбаева Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations
  • У.М. Aбдигaпбapoвa Kazakh NAtional Pedagogival University
  • A.Б. Мaхaмбeтoвa


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The article presents a brief excursion of dual-oriented training of future specialists in the far and near abroad, which is a system of pedagogical education, providing for a combination of theoretical learning 

in a higher educational institution with periods of production activity at school. Positive experience in the implementation of dual education in the European Union, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan is highlighted with the goal of developing a Kazakhstan model of professional training of the future teacher based on dual-oriented education. The innovativeness of the Kazakhstan model will consist of: the creation of a “corporate triangle” (university, college, school) aimed at training a specialist; in the implementation of the communicative paradigm of dual-centered learning, which is a conceptual model of the “communi- cative subject” deployed in the activity-dynamic dimension of the educational process. The features of the dual-oriented process, which in turn will provide a high level of professional training for teaching, are revealed. The mechanisms of the formation of a “group communicative subject” have been identified, suggesting the emergence of polyphony of needs and professional interests of future teachers who try, each in his own way, to express his individuality and make his own contribution to the common cause. It is this polyphony of individualities that arises in the triad of the “corporate triangle” (university, college, school) as the core of effective and productive interaction in a communicative educational environment, which is a sign of the effective manifestation of the “group communicative subject”. The presented theoretical models of dual-oriented learning within the framework of a single pedagogical technology will mean the development of conditions of “framework agreement” in the context of which representa- tives of the pedagogical movement could follow the development of a new didactic toolkit creating an atmosphere of creative search.




How to Cite

Жиенбаева, Н., Aбдигaпбapoвa У., & Мaхaмбeтoвa A. (2019). On the Question of the Development of Kazakhstans Model of Vocational Training of Teachers on the Basis of Dual-Based Learning. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 68(1), 103–110. https://doi.org/10.26577/JPsS.2019.v68.i1.010