Study the issue of the professional deformation of teachers


  • Z. B. Madaliyeva
  • A. E. Tlebaldina al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        91 57


The article analyzes the current problem of professional deformation of teachers. This article discuss-es the factors of professional deformation and presents the results of the study of the influence of person-al characteristics and strategies of interpersonal relations on the indicators of professional deformation of school teachers. The study allowed to test the hypothesis of the influence of personal characteristics and strategies of interpersonal relations on the development of professional deformation of teachers. The teachers were found to be unstable emotional state, manifested in frequent mood swings, increased ex-citability, lack of self-regulation, tendency to affective response. Neuroticism, irritability and emotional lability contribute to the emotional exhaustion of teachers. The lower the equilibrium rate leads to the higher depersonalization rate. Veiled and open cruelty towards people, negativity in judgments about people, grumbling lead to destructive interpersonal relations, therefore, it affects the development of professional deformation of teachers.

Key words: personal features, emotional exhaustion, professional deformation, emotional state of teachers, interpersonal relations.


Как цитировать

Madaliyeva, Z. B., & Tlebaldina, A. E. (2018). Study the issue of the professional deformation of teachers. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 66(3), 4–12. вилучено із