Ethnopsychological features of the phenomenon of procrastination (on the example of students of the university)


  • И. К. Кайратова
  • Сандугаш Кансаровна Кудайбергенова
        52 61


In article, there is provided a part of a theoretical-empirical research of ethno psychological aspect of a phenomenon of a procrastination student’s agepersons on the example of the Kazakhstan selection. This subject is urgent as already since the childhood of people, they are included in various types of activity, and a procrastination, being shown in these activities, exerts a negative impact on its result. This research among young people as already from student’s age it is important to be able to plan time of own life and to effectively use it is especially demanded. Procrastination can be connected also with coping-strategy because both phenomena are often shown in stressful situations. Modern interpretation of a phenomenon of a procrastination of foreign authors are given, in Kazakhstan so far it was researched only empirically. Signs of a procrastination are shown in “postponement for later” earlier planned affairs and actions. Therefore, the procrastination in the Kazakh selection is authentically significantly connected with such features as spontaneity, a rigidness, uneasiness and an introversion, in the Russian selection – reliable communication between a procrastination and an introversion, uneasiness, aggression is revealed. Some distinctions in nature of correlation communications between the preferred coping-strategy and a procrastination are also revealed. The received results can be used when carrying out advisory and educational work with students, and to help to increase efficiency of educational activities, to develop skills of rational use of time.

Key words: procrastination, academic procrastination, ethnic distinctions, personal features, coping-strategy


Как цитировать

Кайратова, И. К., & Кудайбергенова, С. К. (2017). Ethnopsychological features of the phenomenon of procrastination (on the example of students of the university). ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 60(1). вилучено із