The level of religiosity of families with different status: results of sociological research


  • A. B. Shabdenova Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет имени aль-Фaрaби, Республикa Казахстан, г. Алмaты
  • G. T. Alimbekova Директор ЦИОМ, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты
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family, religion, family traditions, single parents, social groups, cluster analysis.


The study of religiosity level is interestingfor wide circle of researchers and experts. In the sociological approach to the study of religion is essential to understanding among which social groups believers are more common, i.e.among which social groupshigher level of religiosity.An important social group of any society is the family, this is a relatively independent unit of society, at the same time it depends on the society, on the existing political system, economic, social and religious relations. The educational function of the family cannot be replaced by another public institution.The family is the foundation of society, as in the family formed living valuables of individuals; the family enters people to the world of human social relations. The study of households with different status is interesting to sociologists; many studies have investigated whether there are differences with respect to any social phenomenon depending on the individual family status. The article describes the results of research, examining the level of religiosity of the Almaty population. The study was conducted by Center for Study of Public Opinion (CIOM) in Almaty; sample is 800 respondents, selected by systematic sampling. In this article the analysis carried out in the context of different family status. For this purpose, a variable was created, which marked three social groups: single-parent families – one parent and minor children, full family – two parents and minor children. And the third group, it is the respondents who do not have minor children. Further, all questions have been analyzed in the context indicated by the variable. Results of the study showed differences in religion and other issues in the context of family status.Research has demonstrated that single parents are more inclined to religion than other population groups. Results of the study presented in this article also demonstrate the need for monitoring of certain indicators among different population groups, because there are differences in the context of social groups united on various grounds.


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How to Cite

Shabdenova, A. B., & Alimbekova, G. T. (2017). The level of religiosity of families with different status: results of sociological research. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from