The features of coping in divorce situation: gender aspect


  • G. К. Slanbekova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
  • Z. A. Shirinbekova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
  • R. A. Moldabaeya Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
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divorce situation, coping, gender features.


This article analyzes the role of gender differencesin post divorce coping with situation of divorce trauma. Because divorce is the strongest psychological traumafor all members of the family, affecting all aspects of divorced life, affecting their mental and physical health, this situation requires the simultaneous solution of the many problems associated with divorce and the need to adapt to the different conditions of life, the formation of a new style of relations in society. Today the scientific study of divorced problems is urgent and least understood aspect of psychological research is still life after the divorce. Research of features to overcome the “experience” of the divorce situation, as well as the identification of the various determinants contribution that involved in selecting, shaping the ways to resolve the situation of divorce, should help to develop adequate approaches to psychosocial support divorced, in which most of them are in dire need. It should be noted that the study of coping with the trauma in divorce situation leads to the conclusion that this phenomenon is a complex determination phenomenon having its own characteristics among representatives of groups with different socio-psychological characteristics, first of all, such as genderfeatures of divorced people. This problem for a long time has the scientific name – “post divorcesyndrome”. The divorce emotional instability, stress or depression can lead to more serious consequences, such as deprivation, neuroses and other mental disorders, which are practically can not be corrected and have further and serious violations of intellectual and personal functions. The results indicate that menshow less somatic complaints, anxiety, major depression than divorced women and, in general, they have higher levels of psychological well being and emotional stability.


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How to Cite

Slanbekova G. К., Shirinbekova, Z. A., & Moldabaeya, R. A. (2017). The features of coping in divorce situation: gender aspect. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from