Problem areas of social adaptation of modern youth


  • A. V. Verevkin Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Респуб­лик­a Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
  • T. U. Lifanova Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Респуб­лик­a Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
        41 24


молодежь, идентичность, глобaлизaция, социaльнaя aдaптaция, новaя взрослость, личность.


The article deals with the formation of new images of social and individual identity of the youth. Young people, as one of the most dynamic social groups, is in search of life strategies, the implementation of basic social and personal priorities. This not only increases its potential, but also makes it vulnerable to destructive influences. The main problems concerns the situation when a temporary, transitional state, the natural in a young age are objectified and turned into renewable behavioral patterns. This phenom­ enon can be observed both on the objective level - for example, the rejection of a family (or postponement for an indefinite period), employment with low wages, lack of social safety nets, etc., and the subjective, intentional level, through consolidation and justifica­ tion of such situations. in the value-regulatory structure. The paper presents a theoretical review of a variety of images to describe this new adult-type «new maturity», «narcissism», «failed adults» and others. Pushed to extremes of some of the many features of these traits are destructive and hamper an adequate assessment of the personality of the social condi­ tions of its existence.

Separately, it discusses, from what positions should investigate a specific life span, defined as post-youth, as a kind of threshold directly by the adult life, when at a certain age, many of the major transitions have not yet been completed. Addresses the issue of economic and social adaptation of young people, their problems enter­ ing the professional labor market.


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1 Crawford K. Adult Themes. Rewriting the Rules of Adulthood. – Sydney: Pan Macmillan. 2006. – 384 р.
2 Furedi F. ‘The Children Who Won’t Grow Up’. Spiked Essays. 29 July 2003. URL (consulted August 2007): http://www. 00000006DE8D.htm
3 Hoikkala T. The Diversity of Youth Citizenship in the European Union. Young. 2009 17:1: 5-24
4 Lasch, C. The Culture of Narcissism. American Way of Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations. – New York: W.W. Norton, 1991.
5 Lessard, M., Greenberger, E., Chuansheng, C. and Farruggia, S. Are youth’s feelings of entitlement always ‘bad’? // Journal of Adolescence, 2011, 34, - Р. 521-529.
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How to Cite

Verevkin, A. V., & Lifanova, T. U. (2016). Problem areas of social adaptation of modern youth. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 56(1). Retrieved from