Effect of co-dependence on the quality of the relationship.


  • E. M. Raklova Инновационный Евразийский университет
        62 45


family, spiritual development, suppressed negative emotions, personality changes, lack of morality, lack of self-concept of self.


The paper examines the impact of co-dependence on the quality of the relationship. Codependency as dependence is a long chronic condition that leads to suffering and deformation of the spiritual realm. Codependent irresponsible to this condition, to their needs and their health. Codependent behavior is determined Trauma childhood experiences, providing the appearance of dysfunctional family relationships, leading to psychological disorders (distortion of the senses, negativism, illnesses caused by stress, damage to the spiritual realm), subjectively disintegrating adequate perception of oneself and the environment. External referentiality codependent women refl ected in the lack of borders. They do not know where it ends their identity and where the identity of another person. Addictive culture of society actually provides cultural training codependency. The article highlights the signs describing the coincidence of codependency with a dependent personality disorder personality.


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How to Cite

Raklova, E. M. (2012). Effect of co-dependence on the quality of the relationship. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 43(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/567