Issues of work values in the value system of the youth: a sociological analysis


  • A. Altynbekov al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M. Sadyrova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        74 51

Кілттік сөздер:

work value, values, the youth, achievement, ethics, education.


We make a review on M. Rokeach, S. Schwartz, W. Bilsky, R. Inglehart, M. Gladwell scholars’ opinions,
comments about value, work ethics and work value. Then, a research carried out among youth of seven
districts of Almaty city is presented. The aim of the research is to identify orientation of life value of the youth including work value. The co-researchers compared the results of the responses of 500 young respondents aged between 16 and 29 with the opinions of the above mentioned scholars. The main values of the youth of Almaty city identified in the research are family happiness, the health of close people and of himself/herself, striving for an interesting and high income job, fulfilling the duties to Creator, becoming a good specialist and gaining all by honest labour. In this paper, we discovered that a society which consumes only, is in need of safety, tolerant to corruption, unconcerned about knowledge, family and work, not attentious to spiritual values is usually subject to regress rather than progress. While a society witch strive for such spiritual values as creativity, family happiness, honest worker, profound knowledge, humanity, fairness and courtesy, etc. is always progressive but not regressive. Youth values are analyzed according to their age groups. Having analyzed the results of the survey, the researchers found out that there is an unbalance in values among the
youth. They tried to clarify the unbalance between terminal values and instrumental values. The researchers comment that inharmoniousness of values nowadays is not because the youth have no values at all but they do not value their values. There is no individual without values, but it is possible that individuals weaken their values and degrade themselves. We try to prove the necessity of establishing national model of educating
young generation in this work. Except for family education given by parents, a set of mechanism of methods, instructions (books, audio, video etc.) should be prepared, which enables children to be competitive, to know the right and the wrong, to be aware of history, religion, traditions, language and mentality.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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Как цитировать

Altynbekov, A., & Sadyrova, M. (2014). Issues of work values in the value system of the youth: a sociological analysis. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 51(4). вилучено із