Conceptual analysis of national and ethnic identities


  • N. U. Shedenova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • R. Ahmadi Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        80 123

Кілттік сөздер:

conception of identity, national identity, ethnic identity, ethnicity.


Identity is one of the basic concepts in which social scientists have been interested during last decades. Social identity, particularly national and ethnic identities as its forms, is widely applicable topic that determines harmony, unity, integrity of the people and the nation. Every community and every individual as known accept collective ideas and norms forming their own identity, which is contributed to the unity of society. This paper includes a sociological analysis of identity and national identity in particular, the basic elements and functions of national identity, the interrelationship between national and ethnic identities. It is also discussed the positions of sociological analysis about the role of national and ethnic identities in society. Authors analyze the structure of national iden­ tity and define its social, political, cultural and economic dimensions. They un­ derline important functions of national identity such as cohesion and solidarity between people, creation of mass awareness and common purpose for people in a society, improving people’s political culture and determination the posi­ tion of people in the political system. The contemporary world is considerably globalized and national identity plays a vital role in global solidarity and belong­ ing to the greater identities at the world level. The national identity crosses the ethnic and tribal identities and results to the distinguishing between different citizens of the countries based on their civil characteristics. Each human society is include various ethnical, tribal and racial individuals and groups and each of these groups has their own particular identity which sometimes results to the social conflicts and lead to the social crises. In order to prevent crises; societies require the common identities which include all ethnical and tribal groups and bring social balance. The balance in the society is obtained while the members of the society seek for common social, political and economic activities based on a common identity. Today the modern and developed societies have ob­ tained their common identity while the underdeveloped counties still facing ethnical, and tribal conflicts.

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Как цитировать

Shedenova, N. U., & Ahmadi, R. (2015). Conceptual analysis of national and ethnic identities. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және әлеуметтану сериясы, 55(4). вилучено із



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