About influence the social and demographic status on the emotional condition of the PLG-positive


  • Z. Madalieva
  • I. Rogacheva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Z. Sadvakasova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби


an emotional state PLG (Primate lentivirus group)-positive, the PLG (Primate lentivirus group) – infected uneasiness, aggression, a de-pressive state.


This article is devoted to studying of psychological features PLG (Primate lentivirus group) - positive. The conducted research allowed to check a hypothesis of influence of the social and demographic status on an emotional state PLG (Primate lentivirus group) -positive. It was revealed that PLG (Primate lentivirus group) -positive women are more disturbing, they are inclined to show higher level of uneasiness, offense and aggression, than PLG (Primate lentivirus group) -positive men. At the PLG (Primate lentivirus group) - in-fected, which got infection with an injection way, unlike the persons who got infection sexually, the level of jet uneasiness is considerably increased, thus they are more inclined to manifestation of physical aggression. Between PLG (Primate lentivirus group) - infected with a different experience of an illness there are distinctions in the level and manifestation of the aggressive reactions. At PLG (Primate lentivirus group) - infected, receiving anti-retrovirus therapy, considerably raises the level of uneasiness and a depression, worsen indicators of psychological-functional states, in a subjective picture of an illness worsen indicators of a sensual component that is shown in increase of psychosomatic complaints.


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