Analysis of domestic and international experience in the field of social support for young single mothers


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This article analyzes the measures taken in our country and a number of foreign countries in the direction of social support for single young mothers. Social support for single mothers, including young ones, should be one of the points of family policy of each state, since young mothers are not able to cope with financial, moral and other situations arising from the birth of an illegitimate child on their own. The study of the process of social support for such mothers also determines the urgent need for preventive work on the problems of early pregnancy, motherhood in adolescence, social orphanhood.

The main purpose of the article is to compare the work on social support for single mothers in our country, to determine effective measures for the implementation of work in this direction. The research method of the article is the analysis of materials of domestic and foreign scientific research, question- naires, official statistical indicators of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Plan- ning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study interviewed 33 young single mothers tem- porarily residing in the «Mother’s House» and other crisis centers.

In the article, in parallel with providing financial support to young mothers, a comparative analysis of work in Kazakhstan, Russia, France, Norway, the USA, Japan, China and a number of other countries is carried out in solving issues of social orientation: psychological support, stabilization of the psycho- emotional state, adaptation to the environment and others. The results of the analysis of social support for pregnant girls and young single mothers show that help is needed and the need to solve the problem in the social work system, as a result, measures to prevent this problem are presented.

Key words: young single mothers, early pregnancy, abortion, social support, social adaptation.




How to Cite

Yelamanova, A. S., & Avsydykova, K. A. (2022). Analysis of domestic and international experience in the field of social support for young single mothers. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 80(1), 78–90.