Formation of moral and psychological qualities of woman’s personality as a priority problem in the works of Azerbaijani enlighteners


  • A. Z. Iskenderova Ganja State University, Azerbaijan, Ganja

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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of the moral and psychologi-  cal qualities of the female personality. The object of the study was the works of Azerbaijani writers- enlighteners of the late XIX – early XX century. The subject of the research is the priority problems in the work of these writers and the place of the women’s issue in their work. As it known, starting from the 60s-70s of the XIX century, the progressive people of Azerbaijan, fighting for the awakening of their people, were absolutely sure of the unequivocal connection of its education, upbringing of the younger generation, ensuring the health of everyday life with the problem of women’s freedom. It is no coin- cidence that this issue, being at the beginning of the twentieth century on a par with other important issues of the social life of the people, was at the center of the struggle of opposing forces – advanced and reactionary forces. Thus, representatives of the reactionary clerical ideology gathered in the editorial offices of the magazines Fuyuzat and Shalala. Muslim clerics also united with them. The general line of their policy towards women was to affirm the existence of women in a closed and isolated form from society. As for the progressive part of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia, these forces have united around the magazine “Molla Nasreddin” and its editor Jalil Mammadguluzade. The ranks of the representatives of the advanced democratic culture who took an irreconcilable position in relation to ideas, especially the actions of reactionary forces calling on all people to fight for women’s freedom included M. A. Sabir, Omer Faig, A. Hakhverdiyev, M. S. Ordubadi, Ali-guli Gamkusar and etc.

Key words: female personality, morality, social and psychological qualities, self-awareness, educa- tion.




How to Cite

Iskenderova, A. Z. (2021). Formation of moral and psychological qualities of woman’s personality as a priority problem in the works of Azerbaijani enlighteners. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 75(4), 78–83.



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