Psychological features of means in inner picture of health


  • A. T. Kamzanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • N. K. Satybaldina Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби


internal picture of health (IPH), meaning development, general fund of information, general fund of semantic structures (GFSS).


This article presents the results of psychological study of semantic foundation in an internal picture of health (IPH) under the influence of the “Eastern techniques” during adulthood. IPH based on different ideas about health. Study of IPH, which is characterized by holistic view ‘’ for – itself – knowledge ‘’ about health, reflect a new psychological health paradigm in medicine. This also consist with relation between psychosomatic diseases and individuals knowledge about criteria, evaluations, structure of their own health. Scientific novelty of the research is to develop structures of internal picture of health and its formation. Practical significance of the research re­ lated with applied aspects in medical psychology. In the research involved 40 participants who were divided into 2 groups. Experimental group con­ sisted of persons engaged in practice of Chi­Gun for 3­4 years. Methods of research was a questionnaire, semantic differential method, projective technique “incomplete sentences”, a questionnaire level of subjective con­ trol. Statistical analysis was carried out in SPSS15 to identify significant dif­ ferences in psychological characteristics of IPH. The study revealed that the change in the sense of structure and specificity of IPH is determined by the semantic content about psychological features of health relate with culture. The main mechanism of formation and subsequent changes in semantic structure of IPH relate with General Fund of Semantic Structures.


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